This listing is over 730 days old
This listing is over 730 days old

Lot for Sale near Mile 3.5 on George Price Highway, Belize
Belize District, Belize
Located at Mile 3.5 on the George Price Highway, Belize District, lies this residential lot for sale.
The property measures approximately 50 ft. x 80 ft. and offers 50 ft. of road frontage along an all-weather road. It’s approximately 800 ft. (243.84 m) off the Highway which allows for privacy and quiet.
The property is approximately 3 miles from downtown Belize City, 1 mile from Chetumal Street and the newly built Chetumal Bridge, 8 miles from the Phillip Goldson...
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⚠ This listing is over 730 days old. ⚠
Sale Price:
$45,000 US
$45,000 US
- Residential lot for Sale
- Approx. 50 ft. (15.24 m) x 80 ft. (24.384 m)
- Approx. 800 ft. off the Western Highway
- 3 miles from downtown Belize City, 1 mile from Chetumal Street, 8 miles from the Phillip Goldson International Airport and 2 miles from the famous Old Belize.
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