Two - 1.9 acre Lagoon Front lots in Progresso Village, Corozal District


Two - 1.9 acre Lagoon Front lots in Progresso Village, Corozal District

Available are 2 – 1.9 acre prime lagoon front parcels situated on the south end of Progresso Village, Corozal District, Belize. Parcels are clean & clear, high land, ready to build a residential home, vacation/retirement home away from heavy traffic or noise. Enjoy the gentle breeze and excellent sunrise views of the Progresso Lagoon.

Property offer access to electricity, water and internet. These parcels are well kept in a quiet and peaceful area. You can do various water sports activities (kayaking, swimming, fishing, etc.). Due to the parcel location you can see and listen to the joyful singing of the various colorful birds. Parcels are

Property is less than 5 minutes drive to Progresso Village. Corozal Town and Orange Walk Town are approx. 45 minutes drive away. Progresso is an ideal destination for enjoyment, tranquility and retirement.

More Information

Sale Price: 
$190,000 US
$190,000 US
  • Beautiful Lagoon Frontage
  • Land is clear and ready to build land
  • 5 minute drive from Progresso Village
  • 10 minute drive from Little Belize
  • 45 minute drive from Corozal Town
  • 30 minute drive from Orange Walk Town
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Further Information

Property Type: 
Land Area: 
82,764sq. ft
12 Feb 2023
AREBB Approved
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