100 ft x 100 ft Residential Lot in Altamira, West of Consejo Road


100 ft x 100 ft Residential Lot in Altamira, West of Consejo Road

This double lot is located in the Altamira Area, Corozal District, Belize. The parcel is 2 block off the Consejo Road in a peaceful neighborhood.

The parcel offers 100 ft (30.48m) adjacent to the street x 100 ft (30.48m) and is clean, clear and ready for construction. Double lot is one mile away from downtown Corozal, 7 blocks from the Corozal Bay,

More Information

Sale Price: 
$17,800 US
$17,800 US
  • Double lot in Altamira Area
  • 100 ft x 100 ft
  • 1 mile from Corozal Town
  • Clean & clear lot
  • 7 blocks from the Caribbean Se
External Link: 

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Property Type: 
12 Feb 2023
AREBB Approved
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