1.24 Acre Corner Residential / Commercial Parcel for Sale in Belmopan - Cayo


1.24 Acre Corner Residential / Commercial Parcel for Sale in Belmopan - Cayo

Located in the Lomas de Las Flores residential area of Belmopan lies this 1.24 Acre Corner Parcel for sale. Property sits in a peaceful and quiet neighbourhood with beautiful views of the surrounding hills.

Parcel measures 129.10 ft. (39.34m) x 272.06 ft. (82.9m) x 230 ft. (70.1m) x 163.8 ft. (50m) offering an impressive 401.16 ft. (122.27m) of Road Frontage. Property is spacious enough for a lovely family estate with ample yard space. Due to the parcel’s shape and size, property may also be subdivided into at least 2 sizeable lots.

Property is just 5 to 10 minutes away from supermarkets, convenience stores, services, restaurants and more. Make an offer today.

More Information

Sale Price: 
$37,500 US
$37,500 US
  • 1.24 Acre Corner Parcel located in the Lomas De Las Flores Area, Belmopan
  • Lot measures 129.10 ft. (39.34m) x 272.06 ft. (82.9m) x 230 ft. (70.1m) x 163.8 ft. (50m)
  • Property is 5 to 10 minutes away from Supermarkets, Convenience Stores, Services, Restaurants, etc.
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Property Type: 
12 Feb 2023
AREBB Approved
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