Rare Seafront Lot on Southern Foreshore in Downtown Belize City


Rare Seafront Lot on Southern Foreshore in Downtown Belize City

Set in historic and scenic Southern Foreshore, this 45 ft by 55 ft Sea Front Lot offers the investor a unique opportunity to purchase along this highly exclusive waterfront zone. Views along this stretch are unmatched in the City and in the country for that matter. This is the historic home of Belize City's old elite, a stretch already seeing redevelopment and reinvestment along neighboring Regent and Albert Streets. It is the natural corridor between the Fort Street Tourism Village, the Government House / House of Culture and St. John's Cathedral - Belize City's Tourism Zone.

More Information

Sale Price: 
$187,500 US
$187,500 US
  • Approx. 45 ft. x 55 ft.
  • Historical Seafront Neighborhood
  • Downtown Belize City
External Link: 

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Property Type: 
12 Feb 2023
AREBB Approved
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