Double Lot Home with a Commercial Location, George Price Highway in Belize City


Double Lot Home with a Commercial Location, George Price Highway in Belize City

Set along the George Price Highway's reserve, this fenced, double-lot residence comes with a design that allows the new owner to take full advantage of this property's business location.

The house is well laid out on its lot with the yard well kept and organized. All is in excellent condition, from its concrete Fence, to its Driveway and Carport, to the Homes Verandah and welcoming interior. Living Room, Dining Room and Kitchen share an open design with a laundry room set next to the kitchen. The homes hallway leads you to two well laid out Bedrooms, each with its own closet.

A shared bath with glass shower rounds up the hallway with the Master Bedroom set at the end of the hallway. The Master is wide and matches the entire width of the home. The Master offers a large closet and its own Master Bath complete with Glass Shower.

More Information

Sale Price: 
$337,500 US
$337,500 US
  • 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms
  • Large 110' x 118' Corner Lot
  • 1,511 Sq Ft Home
  • 110 Sq Ft Verandah
  • Fully-Fenced yard
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Further Information

Property Type: 
Floor Area: 
1,511sq. ft
12 Feb 2023
AREBB Approved
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