Commerical/Residential Lot along 3rd Street North, Corozal Town, Belize


Commerical/Residential Lot along 3rd Street North, Corozal Town, Belize

This Commercial/Residential Lot for sale in Corozal Town is located in #7, 3rd Street North close to well-known establishments located along the area such as Atlantic Bank, A & R, DFC and Atlantic Insurance.

Property is accessed driving along 3rd Street North and measures 50 ft. RF (15.24m) x 165 ft. (50.29m). Property is cleared and ready for development.

Property is half block from prime commercial/residential neighbourhood ideal for a cozy family home or small investment. It is in close proximity to Town Hall, Treasury Office, Post Office, Police Station, market and more.

More Information

Sale Price: 
$100,000 US
$100,000 US
  • Ideal for a sizeable Cozy Home or Business
  • Close to Banks
  • 1/2 block from 4th Avenue (busy commercial artery)
  • Commecial / Residential location within Corozal Town
  • 1 1/2 block from Corozal Bay
  • 2 blocks from Central Park/Treasury Office/Post Office/Police Station/Town Hall
External Link: 

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Further Information

Property Type: 
12 Feb 2023
AREBB Approved
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