Stunning Corner Lot in Dangriga, less than a Mile from the Caribbean Sea


Stunning Corner Lot in Dangriga, less than a Mile from the Caribbean Sea

Located in Dangriga Town lies this Residential/Commercial Corner Lot, approx. 375 ft. from the Caribbean Sea in the Stann Creek District of Belize.

Lot has a dimension of 92.23 ft. X 53.68 ft. X 97.98 ft. X 51.24 ft. and is cleared and ready for development. Property is in close proximity to Medical Facilities, Supermarket, Shops and Services.

Due to its location and surrounding amenities, property holds both residential and commercial value and is ideal for a lovely home in a warm and welcoming community.

Call us for a viewing today!

More Information

Sale Price: 
$125,000 US
$125,000 US
  • Corner Lot
  • Size: 92.23 ft. x 53.68 ft. x 97.98 ft. x 51.24 ft.
  • Approx. 375 ft. to the Caribbean Sea
  • Residential and Commercial Potential
  • Close proximity to Medical Services, Supermarket, Shops and Services
External Link: 

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Property Type: 
12 Feb 2023
AREBB Approved
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