Great Deal! 2.5 Acres on Colson Caye


Great Deal! 2.5 Acres on Colson Caye

Located on Colson Caye sits this superb opportunity to own 2.5 Acres of untouched island property in Belize. Colson Caye is just 1 hour from Belize City and 30/45 minutes from Dangriga Town.

Property offers sea frontage on both sides of the island making it an ideal site for a modern / eco resort with stunning views or a personal escape for the Family.

Prime Island properties are becoming harder to find with international exposure growing for Belize. Call us today for an appointment.

More Information

Sale Price: 
$67,500 US
$67,500 US
  • Superb Island Opportunity
  • 2.5 Acres
  • Ready for Development
  • Ideal for a Resort or Family Getaway
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Further Information

Property Type: 
Land Area: 
108,900sq. ft
12 Feb 2023
AREBB Approved
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