Beachfront Lot in Cerros Sands, Corozal District, Belize


Beachfront Lot in Cerros Sands, Corozal District, Belize

Sea front lot available for sale in Cerros Sands, Corozal District, Belize. Property is 15 minute drive from Copper Bank Village and 10 minutes from 'Cerrros" Maya archaeological site. Part of the land is elevated (building pad).

Property also includes some of the most sunrise/sunset majestic views. Lot is refilled and clear. Parcel is well maintained. At the back of this parcel is another lot (9,724 sq ft) for sale - $28K USD. Future owner can own a 1/2 acre beachfront parcel

You can't miss this opportunity. This is one of the very best you’ll find, purchase now!

More Information

Sale Price: 
$120,000 US
$120,000 US
  • 11,967 sq ft seafront lot
  • measures approx. 85 ft BF x 140 ft
  • land is refilled - has an elevated building pad
  • Beautiful sunrise/sunset views
  • Peaceful and quiet neighborhood
  • Additional lot on sale at the back of the parcel.
  • Excellent for a Residential/Vacation home
  • Close to Cerros Maya Archaeological site & Copper Bank Village
External Link: 

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Property Type: 
12 Feb 2023
AREBB Approved
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