50 ft. x 100 ft. Residential Lot for Sale off George Price Highway - Unitedville


50 ft. x 100 ft. Residential Lot for Sale off George Price Highway - Unitedville

Situated in Unitedville Village, just 15 minutes from San Ignacio Town, lies this Residential Lot for sale in the Cayo District. Lot sits 400 ft. from the George Price Highway (Western Highway) in an upcoming community between Esperanza Village and Ontario Village.

Property measures 50 ft. (15.24m) x 100 ft. (30.48m) and offers 50 ft. (15.24m) of Road Frontage. Land is High and Cleared and is Fenced with an abandoned Wooden Home.

Property is ideal for a sizeable home near goods and services with just a short drive from Santa Elena and San Ignacio Town. Make an offer Today!

More Information

Sale Price: 
$20,000 US
$20,000 US
  • Approx. 50 ft. x 100 ft.
  • 50 ft. Road Frontage
  • Land is High and Cleared
  • Ready for Development
  • Ideal for Sizable Family Home
  • Approx. 400 ft. from Highway
  • 15 Mins. from San Ignacio Town
External Link: 

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Property Type: 
12 Feb 2023
AREBB Approved
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