32.27 Acres along Phillip Goldson Hwy.(Santa Elena Rd), Corozal District, Belize

This listing is over 730 days old

32.27 Acres along Phillip Goldson Hwy.(Santa Elena Rd), Corozal District, Belize

Property consists of 32.27 acres and is located along the Santa Elena Road in Corozal in the outskirts of Corozal Town less than 5 minutes drive and 20 minutes drive to the Belize / Mexico Border.

The property offers approx. 625 ft. of road frontage along the Santa Elena Road and is 2,250 feet deep surrounded on the north and south boundary by forested parcels and on west boundary by a sugarcane field. Rich and fertile soil situated in high land. Due to the parcels location it offers commercial potential.

Property lies approximately 90 miles from Belize City and is only 1 mile from the entrance to Corozal Town.

More Information

This listing is over 730 days old.
Sale Price: 
$114,625 US
$114,625 US

* 32.27 acres one mile from Corozal Town

* 625 ft along the Santa Elena Road

* Less than 5 minutes drive to Corozal Town & 20 minutes drive to Belize/Mexico border

* Rich & fertile soil

* Offers commercial potential

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Further Information

Property Type: 
Land Area: 
1,405,681sq. ft
12 Feb 2023
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